22 March 2022
It was such a pleasure to join a wonderful group of ladies from Seattle for their book club meeting. They have been going with their club for over twenty years strong and truly share a love of reading and books.
Happily, for me, their book pick for this meeting was The Spinster’s Fortune because one of their members is an old pal of mine. We worked as camp counselors together in the Berkshire Mountains in Massachusetts almost forty (gasp) years ago. The experience was one of a kind and left us with unbelievable memories and experiences---and a bond that spans time and distance.
I was so honored when this amazing friend, Renee, went to the trouble to organize a virtual meeting of the club, making it happen. The two-hour long discussion was lively, insightful and kept me on my toes especially with questions about my publishing journey and the business side of writing.
The Spinster’s Fortune has been out almost a year now but it is still managing to connect me to others, past and present, in ways I never imagined. The rewards of publishing this book are way beyond holding a physical copy in hand….