31 January 2021
31 January 2021
End of month round-up blog
My playlist for this month consists of “new to me” songs that started my year off in good stead.
This is a photo of my “read” pile of physical books for this past month, all Little Free Library finds. While I am grateful for Kindle and do most of my reading there, I prefer the experience with a physical copy of a book. Little Free Libraries have been a salve for me this past year with my local library system not really up and running.
I recommend all three of these books but I want to highlight The Aosawa Murders. I find Japanese mysteries in general to be a category within a category. The ones I have read always make me think hard---more so than other mysteries. This one was no exception.
I’ll leave you with a question this book posed: If the span of your life was a bound book, what chapter would it easily fall open to as the place and/or time you have gone back to over and over again in your mind? (I haven’t figured out my answer yet.)